State descriptions: WAITBEGIN "Press FIRE to begin level %d" PLAYING Normal playfield screen, ship under player control ENDLEVEL Bonus countdown into score EXPLOSION Drifting ship pieces after death RESUME "Press FIRE to continue" GAMEOVER "GAME OVER" growing or moving up SCOREWAIT Waiting for score file lock "Score file busy, waiting..." SHOWSCORE "Press HYPERSPACE to start a new game" NEWSCORE Waiting for player to enter initials EXITING Screen drifting and shrinking after ESCAPE HELP Displaying help text State entry via: WAITBEGIN SHOWSCORE - HYPERSPACE press ENDLEVEL - timeout after bonus countdown, ships left PLAYING WAITBEGIN - timeout, level > 1 RESUME - timeout WAITBEGIN - FIRE press RESUME - FIRE press ENDLEVEL PLAYING - no rocks left, no saucer, not dead, no other shots EXPLOSION - timeout, no rocks left EXPLOSION PLAYING - explode ship RESUME EXPLOSION - timeout, rocks left, ships left GAMEOVER ENDLEVEL - timeout after bonus countdown, no ships left EXPLOSION - timeout, rocks left, no ships left SCOREWAIT GAMEOVER - timeout SHOWSCORE NEWSCORE - after entering initials WAITBEGIN - timeout, level == 1 SCOREWAIT - scoring inhibited SCOREWAIT - new score didn't cut it NEWSCORE - timeout while entering initials HELP - timeout HELP - HYPERSPACE press game initialization NEWSCORE SCOREWAIT - new score made it EXITING any - ESCAPE press HELP SHOWSCORE - h press WAITBEGIN - h press, level == 1 State exit via: any EXITING - ESCAPE press WAITBEGIN PLAYING - timeout, level > 1 PLAYING - FIRE press SHOWSCORE - timeout, level == 1 HELP - h press, level == 1 PLAYING ENDLEVEL - no rocks left, no saucer, not dead, no other shots EXPLOSION - explode ship ENDLEVEL WAITBEGIN - timeout after bonus countdown, ships left GAMEOVER - timeout after bonus countdown, no ships left EXPLOSION ENDLEVEL - timeout, no rocks left RESUME - timeout, rocks left, ships left GAMEOVER - timeout, rocks left, no ships left RESUME PLAYING - timeout PLAYING - FIRE press GAMEOVER SCOREWAIT - timeout SCOREWAIT SHOWSCORE - scoring inhibited SHOWSCORE - new score didn't cut it NEWSCORE - new score made it SHOWSCORE WAITBEGIN - HYPERSPACE press HELP - h press NEWSCORE SHOWSCORE - after entering initials SHOWSCORE - timeout while entering initials EXITING setup only HELP SHOWSCORE - timeout SHOWSCORE - HYPERSPACE press Main ship display possibilities: WAITBEGIN recenter animation from-stowage animation center of screen PLAYING current ship location ENDLEVEL recenter animation from-stowage animation center of screen none EXPLOSION drifting pieces RESUME from-stowage animation center of screen GAMEOVER none SCOREWAIT none SHOWSCORE none NEWSCORE none EXITING none HELP none WAITBEGIN PLAYING ENDLEVEL EXPLOSION RESUME GAMEOVER SCOREWAIT SHOWSCORE NEWSCORE EXITING HELP