0 A S T E R O I D S Asteroids is a fairly blatant clone of the arcade game of the same name. You have a ship which you fly around; your goal is to eliminate asteroids. When hit with a shot, the larger sizes of asteroids break into smaller ones; the smallest size vanishes. To finish one screen and go on to the next, destroy all asteroids. You get points two ways. One is shooting things. The other is the bonus. Each screen starts with a bonus of 3600 points per large asteroid; this bonus counts down at the rate of 60 per second. Any amount remaining when you finish the screen is added to your score. Time spent waiting for you to press FIRE when beginning a level, or after you die, is not charged against your bonus. 1 The keys used as controls are: %kL % Turn ship to the left %kR % Turn ship to the right %kH % Hyperspace %kT % Thrust %kF % Fire In addition, you can press %KE at any time to exit. (If you do this during a game, and your score is good enough to go on the high score list, a random set of initials will be chosen for you.) If you get on the high score list, when entering your initials, the turn-left and turn-right keys are redefined to shift through the various letters. The FIRE key enters a letter and goes on to the next (or registers the score). You cannot use the normal letter keys on the typewriter portion of the keyboard. 2 Hyperspace simply teleports you to a random location on the screen. This is useful if you need to get out of the way of something *right now*, or if you have lost control of the ship (when you come out of hyperspace, you are not moving). The danger is that there is no guarantee the exit point is safe - you could come out right in front of (or even right on top of) a rock. There is also a setup mode. This is useful if you feel you need practice at some aspect of the game; it allows you to control many details of the game's operation. Of course, using it means that your score will not be placed on the high-score list; this is indicated by parentheses around the number. Press %K9 to invoke it. (Details are not given here. You are invited to experiment.) 3